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Hydrogen Sustainability

Accelerating the global transition to a zero-carbon economy

At Stargate Hydrogen, our vision extends beyond being a leading manufacturer of Electrolysers for Green Hydrogen production. We are motivated by a larger objective: to enable the industry of tomorrow, working towards hydrogen sustainability accelerating the global transition to a zero-carbon economy by creating reliable and profitable green hydrogen solutions. 

What Sustainability means to Stargate Hydrogen: 

Sustainability is the concept of meeting present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. 

For us, at Stargate, sustainability encompasses the following three key dimensions:  

Environmental sustainability, which involves conserving resources and minimizing pollution;  Social sustainability, which aims to enhance quality of life and address social inequalities; and Economic sustainability, emphasizing responsible resource management and economic stability.  

Sustainability means everything to Stargate Hydrogen:

Our commitment:

Our commitment to hydrogen sustainability is not just a part of our business strategy; it is the essence of Stargate Hydrogen.

We understand the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for swift, impactful action.

To this end, we have set our sights on helping companies across industries with the highest CO2 emission rates such as Steel, Fertilizers, Glass and Ceramics, Utilities, and Chemicals reach the European Sustainable Development Goals.

By producing the next generation of green hydrogen Electrolysers and Stacks we support businesses that share our vision; we are contributing by enabling the industry of tomorrow and paving the way for a brighter future for generations to come.

This is possible by working collaboratively with our partners and investors who believe we can, together, turn the tide against climate change.

How we contribute to hydrogen sustainability:  

We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology, innovating continuously with a team of the brightest scientists and engineers who work hard to develop solutions that optimize how Hydrogen can be produced.  

We go beyond the State-of-the-Art by building upon the best aspects of proven alkaline technology and complement it with breakthrough materials that once ready, will be produced and assembled in compliance with DNSH (Do No Significant Harm) principles.   

This leads to the emergence of a novel category of electrolysis systems known as ceramics-based alkaline electrolysers, which ensures both high current densities and remarkable efficiency without the inclusion of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs). 

By going PGM-free we are…


Preserving precious resources


Environmentally Responsible


Diversifying Supply Chains


Driving Technological Advancements


Creating Cost-Effective Solutions

Compliance with DNSH:

Besides avoiding PGMs, we aim to be in full compliance with DNSH (Do No Significant Harm) guidelines throughout the entire development stages, ensuring that potentially problematic issues would be identified and assessed. We will address them swiftly by closely observing the established EU regulations and correlate with national environmental laws.  

Here is how we will ensure DNSH across crucial environmental objectives:  

  • Climate Change Mitigation: We will prioritise reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Our end goal is to replace fossil fuels with green hydrogen, making a significant long-term impact on GHG emissions. 
  • Climate Change Adaptation: The lower GHG emissions resulting from our technology not only lessen the adverse impact on the climate but also contribute positively by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and critical raw materials. 
  • Sustainable Use and Protection of Water and Marine Resources: We will strictly adhere to Estonian legislation regarding wastewater and implement advanced purification systems to prevent significant harm to bodies of water.  
  • Circular Economy, Including Waste Prevention and Recycling: We will establish a re-use and recycle policy and employ innovative technology, such as digital twins, to reduce scrap production. 
  • Pollution Prevention and Control: We will take proactive measures to ensure no significant pollutants are released into the atmosphere, water, or land during electrolyser operation. 
  • Protection and Restoration of Biodiversity and Ecosystems: We will ensure to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystems indirectly by minimizing our environmental footprint and following sustainable practices. 

About the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:  

We are proud to be aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By facilitating the transition to green hydrogen and helping industries meet these sustainability goals, we contribute directly to the broader efforts to create a more sustainable, prosperous, and environmentally conscious future for Europe and the world.  

The list of UN Sustainable Development Goals includes 17 topics, and here are the three main topics Stargate Hydrogen is focusing on solving: 

Affordable and Clean Energy: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. 

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation. 

Climate Action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. 

United Nations Logo

The Impact: 

Our products are at the forefront of change, offering an affordable yet efficient solution to produce green hydrogen with minimum environmental impact. By implementing cutting-edge technology, we empower industries to reduce their carbon footprint significantly. The impact is profound, as we pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future. 

Contact us

Each hydrogen project is different and tailored to match the client’s needs. Contact us for a consultation with one of our engineers today.

    Eliminate CO2 emissions by switching to green hydrogen | Stargate Hydrogen

    Eliminate CO2 emissions by switching to green hydrogen

    Tailored solutions to match any application | Stargate Hydrogen

    Tailored solutions to match any application

    Reliable, industrially-proven technology | Stargate Hydrogen

    Reliable, industrially-proven technology

    Cost-effective, versatile, and scalable | Stargate Hydrogen

    Cost-effective, versatile, and scalable

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