
Hydrogen Generator also known as Electrolyser is the Backbone of Green Hydrogen Production 

As the world moves towards sustainable energy solutions, the role of efficient hydrogen generation becomes increasingly a pre-requirement. At the heart of green hydrogen production lies a fundamental technology: the electrolyser, often referred to as a hydrogen generator. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the history, types, characteristics, manufacturing challenges, main users, considerations, and recent advancements of hydrogen generators. 

The Evolution of Hydrogen Generators: A Historical Perspective 

The concept of electrolysis, using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, dates back to the early 19th century. In 1800, William Nicholson and Anthony Carlisle first discovered the process of water electrolysis. However, it wasn’t until 1839 that Sir William Grove, known as the “father of the fuel cell,” demonstrated the first electrolyser. This early work laid the foundation for the commercial development of electrolysers in the mid-20th century, primarily for industrial applications such as chlor-alkali production. 

The evolution of electrolysers has been marked by significant technological advancements. Initially, electrolysers were bulky and inefficient, but the advent of new materials and designs has led to more compact and efficient systems. The integration of electrolysers with renewable energy sources has also driven innovation, aiming to produce green hydrogen sustainably and economically. 

Understanding Different Types of Electrolysers 

Hydrogen generators come in various types, each with its unique mechanisms, advantages, and challenges: 

PEM electrolysers

PEM electrolysers use a solid polymer electrolyte, allowing protons to pass through while electrons are conducted through an external circuit. This type of hydrogen generator is characterized by high efficiency, compact size, and the ability to operate at higher current densities. PEM electrolysers respond quickly to fluctuations in power supply, making them ideal for integration with intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar. Despite their advantages, PEM electrolysers tend to be more expensive due to the cost of the membrane and platinum-based catalysts used. 

Solid Oxide electrolysers

Solid oxide electrolysers operate at high temperatures (typically between 700°C and 1,000°C) and use a solid ceramic electrolyte. These high temperatures facilitate the efficient conversion of electrical energy to chemical energy, resulting in higher efficiencies compared to other types. Additionally, solid oxide electrolysers can utilize waste heat from industrial processes, further improving their efficiency. However, the high operating temperatures pose significant challenges in terms of material durability and system longevity. 

Alkaline electrolysers

Alkaline electrolysers are one of the oldest and most established types. They use a liquid alkaline electrolyte, typically potassium hydroxide. The cell contains two electrodes (an anode and a cathode) immersed in the alkaline solution. When a direct current is applied, water molecules split into hydrogen and oxygen gases. Alkaline hydrogen generators are known for their durability and lower cost, making them suitable for large-scale hydrogen production. However, they operate at lower current densities and efficiencies compared to newer technologies. 

Alkaline Electrolyser Stacks - Hydrogen Generator

Key Features of Efficient Hydrogen Generators 

High-quality electrolysers should exhibit several key characteristics to ensure efficient and reliable performance: 


The efficiency of the electrolyser is a critical factor, as it determines how much electrical energy is converted into hydrogen. High efficiency reduces operational costs and enhances the sustainability of hydrogen production. Efficiency is influenced by factors such as the type of electrolyte, electrode materials, and operating conditions. 

Durability and Reliability 

Electrolysers must be able to withstand long-term operation under varying conditions without significant degradation. This involves using materials that can endure harsh environments, such as high temperatures and corrosive electrolytes. 


The ability to scale up or down to meet different hydrogen production needs is crucial. Modular designs that allow for easy expansion or reduction in capacity are particularly valuable. 


Both the initial capital costs and ongoing operational costs should be considered to ensure the economic viability of hydrogen production. This includes the cost of materials, manufacturing, maintenance, and energy consumption. 


Given the explosive nature of hydrogen, safety is paramount. Good electrolysers should have robust safety features to prevent leaks, manage pressure, and ensure safe operation under all conditions. 

Challenges in Manufacturing Hydrogen Generators 

Manufacturing electrolysers involves several challenges that must be addressed to achieve efficient and cost-effective hydrogen production: 

Material Selection 

The choice of materials for electrodes, membranes, and other components is critical. These materials must not only be efficient in conducting electricity and facilitating chemical reactions but also resistant to degradation over time. For example, PEM electrolysers require platinum-based catalysts, which are expensive and scarce. 

Production Costs 

Reducing the cost of materials and manufacturing processes is essential to make green hydrogen competitive with fossil fuels. Innovations in manufacturing techniques, such as additive manufacturing and automated assembly, are being explored to lower production costs. 


Developing standardized designs and manufacturing processes can help reduce costs and improve compatibility with different systems and applications. Standardization also facilitates mass production and reduces the complexity of integrating hydrogen generators into existing infrastructure. 

Durability and Lifetime 

Ensuring the longevity of hydrogen generators is a major challenge. High operating temperatures, corrosive environments, and mechanical stress can lead to material degradation and reduced performance over time. Research into new materials and protective coatings is ongoing to enhance the durability of hydrogen generators. 

If you want to know even more about Electrolyser development, read our blog post: Stack Development 

Primary Users of Hydrogen Generators 

Electrolysers are used across various industries, each with specific applications and requirements: 

Energy Sector 

In the energy sector, hydrogen generators are used to produce green hydrogen, which can be stored and used as a clean fuel or energy carrier. Hydrogen can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity or as a fuel for transportation. The integration of hydrogen generators with renewable energy sources helps stabilize the grid by providing a flexible means of storing excess energy. 

Chemical Industry 

The chemical industry relies on hydrogen generators for the production of hydrogen used in processes such as ammonia synthesis and methanol production. Green hydrogen produced through electrolysis is particularly valuable in reducing the carbon footprint of these chemical processes. 

Transport Sector 

Hydrogen fuel cells are increasingly being used in the transport sector, including buses, trucks, trains, and even ships. Hydrogen generators provide a sustainable source of hydrogen for these fuel cells, contributing to the decarbonization of transportation. 

Industrial Applications 

Various industrial processes, such as steel production and refining, require hydrogen. Hydrogen generators offer a means to produce hydrogen on-site, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing transportation costs. 

Download our Hydrogen Stack integration guide: 

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Selecting the Right Electrolysers: Key Considerations 

When selecting a hydrogen generator for a specific application, several factors must be considered: 

Application Requirements 

The intended use of the hydrogen will dictate the type of hydrogen generator needed. For example, high-purity hydrogen may be required for fuel cells, while industrial applications might tolerate lower purity levels. 

Power Supply 

The availability and type of electricity (renewable vs. grid) can influence the choice of a hydrogen generator. Electrolysers designed to operate with intermittent renewable energy sources need to handle variable power inputs efficiently. 

Operating Conditions 

Factors such as temperature, pressure, and environmental conditions must be taken into account. For example, solid oxide hydrogen generators require high operating temperatures, which may not be feasible in all settings. 

Total Cost of Ownership 

It is important to consider both the initial investment and ongoing operational costs, including maintenance, energy consumption, and potential downtime. A thorough cost-benefit analysis can help determine the most economically viable option. 

Recent Developments 

The field of electrolyser technology is rapidly evolving, driven by the need for more efficient and cost-effective green hydrogen production. Recent advancements include: 

  • Improved Catalysts: Research into new catalyst materials aims to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. For example, non-precious metal catalysts are being developed as alternatives to platinum in PEM electrolysers. 
  • Modular Designs: The development of modular electrolysers allows for easier scaling and integration into various applications. Modular systems can be expanded or reduced in capacity based on demand, providing greater flexibility. 
  • Integration with Renewable Energy: Innovations in integrating electrolysers with solar and wind power systems are optimizing hydrogen production. Advanced control systems and energy management strategies help maximize efficiency and minimize costs. 
  • High-Temperature Electrolysis: Solid oxide electrolysers operating at high temperatures offer promising efficiency gains. Research is focused on improving the durability of materials and reducing the costs associated with high-temperature operation. 

Main Takeaways: 

Electrolysers, or hydrogen generators, are essential equipment to enable the transition to a sustainable energy future. Understanding their history, types, characteristics, and the challenges and considerations in their use is essential for professionals involved in green hydrogen production. As technology continues to advance, electrolysers will become even more efficient and cost-effective, paving the way for the widespread adoption of green hydrogen.  

To learn more about electrolysers and explore other resources, visit the Stargate Hydrogen blog where you will find several educational articles. 

Hydrogen Generator